You can help a deserving student receive a high-quality Catholic education at St. Nicholas School and get a tax credit for doing it!
The SGO program(Scholarship Granting Organization) is set up to help students who might not otherwise be able to afford a "private" education the opportunity to have that. These funds are housed by the Institute 4 Quality Education, and disbursed to St. Nicholas as students apply.
Every year, the state sets aside a specific amount of tax credits that will be available. In exchange for your contribution, you will receive a 50% state tax credit AND you can use your contribution as part of your charitable deductions on your Federal tax return. It is really a win/win program. Families win by being able to attend St. Nicholas and you win by getting the tax benefits.
If you are interested in contributing to this great program, please complete and submit the attached form below. By indicating St. Nicholas School on the form, the funds will be deposited directly into our account.
Thank you for supporting Catholic education!